'Quick Tips' for Racers Seeking Sponsorship


As you start to look forward to your 2014 season, we figured it's a great time to spread some FREE TIPS for racers to learn about how they might find more sponsors.

We've worked with major sponsors in major racing circuits, we've been approached by countless racers asking for sponsorship as well AND YES, we even go out and look for sponsors, too!  There are a few things we learned that we know apply to every level of racing and that's why we started RacingIn.com... and we'll always 'share the wealth of knowledge' that we have acquired over the years.

Here are 4 Top Tips that we know make a difference when you are trying to lock in new sponsors... heck, these tips actually apply to success in anything you do, so whether you use them for racing or for any other success, good luck!


Excitement is contagious and if you race, if you're not in first place, you're trying to get there!  If a sponsor sees that you are PASSIONATE doing what you're asking for their help in, they're more likely to seriously consider you instead of a racer that simply hands them a contract.


Sponsoring a Racer or a Race Car CAN BE a pretty 'cookie cutter' type of opportunity... at least for a lot of racers who don't put much thought into looking for sponsors with basic pitches like, "Hey, do you want to sponsor a sprint car?" Outside of Logo Placement and 'name mentions', nearly every sponsorship proposal we've ever seen has the exact same components of every other one we've ever seen. The question to ask yourself is, "What can I offer a sponsor that's different and will make me different than 'the other guy'?"  As these sponsorship tips go on, we'll answer those questions... but for now, let's stick with these 4 basics.... but if you want more tips in the next few weeks/months, make sure you are signed up for our Sponsorship Tips newsl


Odds are, you've found many of your sponsors within a relatively close circle of acquaintances over the years.  Many of your sponsors might have been found through your neighbor, your in-laws, and your best friends.  But as times get tougher, you need to look beyond your 'comfort zone' to meet new people from new businesses that can benefit from exposure associated with you and your race team!


In a Dot-Com world, having your own personal 'Racing Space' on the internet provides your fans an easy way to find and interact with you and it provides you a way to promote your sponsors.  Whether you spend thousands for a custom website and maintenance fees or less than a hundred for a RacingIn.com profile page, it's an expense that can pay for itself very quickly!  CLICK HERE to read about Web Site Challenges for Racers




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And yes, we'd love it if you consider opening a 'Racer Profile' at RacingIn.com... after all, we think we offer a great product for a really cheap price... FREE... but whether you choose to do that or not, we wish you nothing but the greatest successes!

Those are just a few tips to get started, but there are plenty more where those came from and we're looking forward to sharing them with racers like you as you look for more sponsorship for the 2014 Racing Season!

If you haven't signed up for the newsletter yet, here's another chance in case you forget to check back for new tips.  We promise we won't give your e-mail address to anyone else and we'll only send you e-mails that are geared toward YOU, a RACER.

Thanks for stopping by RacingIn.com and we'll talk to you soon!