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Hometown: Simms, TX
Favorite Local Track: Texarkana 67 Speedway
Hobbies: Watching Dirt Track Races On T.V
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I’ve Been A Racing Fan Ever Since… My friend got me into going with him to the races with him and his grandpa and it was a lot of fun.
I Love Racing Because… It is a really good sport to watch when your bored and nothing else is better then dirt track racing
The best race I have ever been to was… The dirt track races in dallas texas that was a lot of fun and i got my picture taken with one of the drivers so that was the best race i have been to
The worst crash I’ve ever seen in person was… It was at texarkana 67 speedway and the race car driver flipped his car then he hit the wall but he got up and walked away so he was alright
My biggest ‘racing memory’ is… Is when me and my uncle went to the dirt track races together in nashville texas and watched it there now that was my biggest memory

I am 16 and i have never races before but i have been to a lot of dirt track races though and it was alot of fun espically when me and my uncle went together now that was my biggest racing memory and i hope that one of these day's that i could race out there on the track.
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